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Library Catalogue is a link the library collection. If you want to see if we have a book and put a hold on it so it will be put aside for you this is where you need to go. It's also the place to go to look at your account. You'll need your library card and password to log in. Click on the My Account button, once you've logged in you can see what items you have out and renew those that need renewing. You can also set up your account so you will be emailed or texted when items you're waiting for are returned to the library or reminded when something is due.
eLibraries Manitoba is the link to a virtual library. It has a collection of ebooks and audio books you can down load onto ipads, tablets and smart phones to listen or read. You need to have a valid library card to use the site.
Ebscohost is an information source. It has sites for research--Academic Search Premier, Masterfile Premier, Canadian Points of View Reference Centre and Canadian Reference Centre. It has sites for educational research--Middle Search Plus and Primary Search. It also has DIY sites -- Auto Repair Source, Small engine Repair Centre and home Improvement Reference Centre. And last but not least NoveList Plus a book recommendation site.
Library Survey is a link to LibSat customer
SatisfactionSurvey an online survey of your library experience.
NNELS is the National Network for Equitable Library Service this site is a source of digital audio recordings for the visually impaired.
(Inter-library loans) is a link to the provincial database of library books. If you want to check for a book not available in the local collection you can check here for it. Please remember to try locally first and that libraries will not lend very new books outside of their area.
You can read magazines on your various readers by going to
Zinio for libraries and logging in using your patron ID and password the same as for Overdrive.
RBDigital Audio books is another source for audio books.